Steps to Register - 2025 Coptic League Basketball Season

Last Revised: February 2, 2025

Please see Registration page on for cutoff dates.

The parish priest must email the league informing the league of all participating coaches for the team prior to team registration in order for the team registration to be accepted.

Steps to Register as a Coach / Team Manager

  1. Select from one of the following leagues and then select the same offering.
    1. Junior High Female League ’25.
    2. Junior High Male League ’25.
    3. High School Female League ’25.
    4. High School Male League ’25.
    5. Women’s League ’25.
    6. Men’s League ’25.
    7. Geezers League '25
  2. If registering a team as a COACH deselect “Incl. Player Registration” to “No” before you “Add Enrollment”. If registering the team as a team manager as well as a player on the team, keep the “Yes” to register the team and as a player.
  3. Add Enrollment then proceed to checkout.
  4. Input team name. Please insert the team name as you want it to appear. Example (Pomona Warriors, Northridge Defenders etc). Team name will be pending League’s Approval.
  5. Select church name from drop down list (if church name does not appear on the drop down list, send an email to the league), read terms/conditions, and click next.
  6. Verify you have the correct enrollment in your cart, your contact information is correct, then select “Place Order”.
  7. Select “Manage Roster” on the top drop down list, click “Add to Roster”, and insert the first name, last name, and email address of each player and / or coach on your team.
  8. For players under 18, add the player’s parents email address and not the player’s email address.
    1. Verify all players are eligible to play for the team being registered.
    2. A link will be emailed to each player (or parent / guardian) and / or coach to complete the player / coach registration process and register on the team.
  9. Once all players / coaches have enrolled, click “Submit” to complete the registration process.

Steps to Register as a Coach / Player (Over 18)

  1. Once you receive the email to register, click the link in your email.
  2. Follow the steps to register and insert all information correctly.

Steps to Register as a Player (Under 18)

  1. Once a parent / guardian receives an email to register their child, click the link in the email, make an account for your child, and enroll your child in the league.
  2. There will be a section that says “enroll” this is where you enter your child's name and enroll them on a roster.

Last Revised: February 2, 2025